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Is there a cure for Vulvodynia?

Vulvodynia, a condition characterized by chronic vulvar pain without a clear cause, can be a perplexing journey for those seeking relief. While a cure for this condition remains elusive, hope shines through with innovative treatment options like Calmare® Scrambler Therapy. As pioneers in pain management, we bring you a breakthrough approach that offers an effective alternative to traditional methods.

Calmare® Scrambler Therapy harnesses the power of natural healing to combat pain. This revolutionary technique works by scrambling the signals that pain-transmitting nerves send to the brain. By confusing the brain's pain receptors, Calmare® Scrambler Therapy interrupts the persistent cycle of discomfort, offering immediate relief from chronic vulvar pain. Unlike invasive procedures or medication-dependent approaches, Calmare® Scrambler Therapy is gentle, non-abrasive, and drug-free, ensuring a safe and holistic path to pain management.

At the CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America, we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with Vulvodynia, and we're here to help. Our team designs a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific pain symptoms. By addressing the root causes and providing targeted relief, we aim to enhance your quality of life and restore your sense of well-being.

If you've been searching for a natural and effective way to manage your chronic pain, Calmare® Scrambler Therapy may be the answer you've been seeking. Take the first step toward a pain-free life and contact us today to learn more about how Calmare® Scrambler Therapy can unlock the relief you deserve. Let us be your partners in reclaiming control and rediscovering the joy of living without the burden of pain.


What is vulvodynia?

Vulvodynia, a chronic pain condition that affects the external genitalia of the female reproductive system, casts a shadow of discomfort over the lives of many women. This perplexing condition manifests as persistent pain or discomfort around the vaginal opening, persisting for a minimum of three months or even years. While not life-threatening, its impact on daily activities and emotional well-being cannot be understated.

The unrelenting nature of vulvodynia can cause excruciating pain, burning sensations, itching, or discomfort within the vaginal region. These distressing symptoms can impede sexual activity and make sitting for extended periods a formidable challenge. However, hope shines through the darkness as we strive to empower women and provide effective solutions.

At the CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America, our mission is to unlock relief and restore your sense of well-being. We understand the profound impact vulvodynia has on your life, and we are here to support you on your journey towards reclaiming control. Through a multidimensional approach tailored to your unique needs, we address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of this condition.

Our expert team at the CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America will collaborate closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that encompasses a range of interventions, from medical therapies to lifestyle adjustments. By exploring innovative techniques such as Calmare® Scrambler Therapy and engaging in comprehensive care, we aim to alleviate your pain, enhance your quality of life, and foster a renewed sense of empowerment.

You deserve to live without the burden of vulvodynia, and we are committed to helping you achieve that. Let the CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Center of America be your partners in unlocking relief and restoring joy to your life. Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey towards a pain-free future. Together, we can overcome the challenges posed by vulvodynia and empower you to embrace life to the fullest.

The common symptoms:

  • burning.png
    Pain or discomfort which may be described as burning, stinging, or throbbing.
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    Pain, Soreness or discomfort during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
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    Pain or discomfort during activities that put pressure on the vulva, such as sitting for long periods of time, riding a bike, riding a horse, or wearing tight clothes
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    Irritation or inflammation of the vulva
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    Difficulty sleeping or concentrating due to the pain

What can cause vulvodynia?

While we're not entirely sure what causes vulvodynia there may be many potential causes, including:

  • Damage or irritation of the nerve of the vulva
  • Inflammation of the Vulva
  • Hormonal factors
  • Infections (Vaginitis) candida or yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis vaginitis, chlamydia or gonorrhea, herpes, noninfectious vaginitis, atrophic vaginitis
  • Genetic disorders such as being predisposed to stronger inflammatory response. There has been a link between personal systemic disease, inflammatory bowel disease, allergy, family history of diabetes mellitus and arthritis.
  • Sensitivity to certain foods
  • Dysfunction of muscle of the pelvic floor
  • Irritation from harsh products that touch your skin

It's important to note that vulvodynia is a complex condition, and some people may experience additional symptoms or variations of these symptoms. There can also be periods of remission where symptoms temporarily improve followed by periods of flare ups where the symptoms worsen. These are both normal facets of vulvodynia.


In need of comprehensive pain management?
We're here to help. Schedule an appointment with our team of neuropathic pain management specialists today.